

2020-07-25    03'54''

主播: 正念柔顺

122 0

无条件的爱 会带来恩典  Unconditional love brings grace 化解业力 并累积祝福 Dissolves karma and accumulates blessings 进入新次元 Moving into new dimensions 我的心觉醒 My heart awakens 茶道的生活 与自己连结  Life of Tea Dao, connect to oneself 迎向充满 灵性的人生 Embracing a fully spiritual life 爱是种感觉 爱是种觉醒 Love is a feeling, love is awakening  伟大的心灵在于自我完成  Great soul is about seeking self-accomplishment 一个永恆的追寻过程 It is a journey of eternal pursuit 相信直觉是一种艺术  Believing in intuition is an art  跟随内心灵感而活 Live by the inspiration from the heart 灵性是生命本身的呼唤  Spirituality is the calling of life 是生命与神最深的互动 It is the deepest interaction between life and the Divine 散发自己内心的平静  Emit your inner peace 为世界带来和平 To bring peace to the world 世界是幻相 善用这幻相  The world is an illusion, make good use of this illusion 来体验伟大的实相 To experience the great truth 真正的觉醒 只能在现在 True awakening only happens at present 让自身的光 在地球闪耀  Let your own light shine on Earth 让内在绽放无穷生命 Let the infinite life radiate from within 真正的力量 来自同一体 True power comes from Oneness 新时代是两性携手 In the new era, masculine and feminine energy work together 与宇宙共同创造 To create with the Universe 生命 只享受自己  Life is just to enjoy oneself 漫无目的游戏 It is an aimless game 变得更完美 就是我的未来 Becoming more perfect is my future
上一期: 新的尝试,加油!
下一期: 要改运先改心