

2020-11-01    02'48''

主播: 正念柔顺

213 0

我来自梦想 I came from dreams 周遭赏心悦目的一切 Looking at all these beautiful things that surrounds me 也是来自梦想 Which also came from dreams 为我而生的创造 Creations that live for me 我化作黎明升起 I rise as I become the dawn 阳光毫无遗漏地 Sun rays, without exception and omission 爱抚地球上所有的创造 Caress all creations on Earth 风儿拂过树叶和花瓣 Breezes passing through tree leaves and petals 云儿跳著迷人的舞蹈 Clouds dancing mesmerizing dance 鸟儿在天上开心的叫著 Birds singing happily in the sky 草地上热闹的窸窣声响 Buzzing sounds in the grass 融为磅礡又柔美的声音 Merging into a majestic yet soft and beautiful voice 形成宇宙最美的乐章 And forms the most beautiful music in the universe 你的耀眼光芒 Your dazzlingly light 可以绽放 可以抚慰 It can blossom, it can comfort 你是灵感 You are inspiration 能使一切加速 激发感受 You can speed up everything and exhilarate feelings 让我们一起歌唱 Let us sing together 共同唱出美好世界 Together we sing and create a beautiful world
上一期: 你只管向前走
下一期: 给自己注入爱