What? 英国热奶茶竟然比冰奶茶贵

What? 英国热奶茶竟然比冰奶茶贵

2019-12-30    01'00''

主播: 语言协会

207 1

When I first went to England, I couldn't understand why a cup of hot bubble tea cost 50 pence more than a cold one. Nor could my British friends see the point of me drinking plain hot water which cooking from them is gross and unswallowable, the person thinks the water should be cold, energizing and refreshing.Whereas in China,that's a different story. Such kind of trivial contrast could be troublesome sometimes. But interestingly, four months ago, I saw a sign saying Free hot water written in Chinese in Copenhagen airport. And last week when I dined out with my British friends in Beijing, the waitress serves some cold water wears may look warm without even asking. This is what Edward.T.Hall, leading American anthropologist called cultural understanding. For sure. Culture varies. But as long as we try to understand each other, we can still get along just fine. (From Wu Shuangnan)