【星球专访】 家里的饭菜不好吃?写个故事来倾诉

【星球专访】 家里的饭菜不好吃?写个故事来倾诉

2014-08-08    07'31''

主播: 三明治童书研究所

2866 46

家里的饭菜不合口味,怎么办?除了和爸爸妈妈商量,Storyland的小作者还能由此写一个故事呢! 8岁男生Ryan创作了一个故事《The Serpents Who Learnt Cooking》(学做饭的蛇),今天的“星球专访”中,他向我们揭秘了这个故事的灵感来源,还悄悄透漏了下一个新故事的梗概。 【Storyland故事星球】是一个帮助5-12岁的儿童进行深度阅读与创意写作的小机构,我们想和孩子们一起进行这场创新的读写实验,让阅读和写作成为陪伴孩子终生的习惯与素养,一起来创造最有趣的家庭文化生活。(微信公众号:Storyland Studio) The Serpents Who Learnt Cooking By Ryan Wong To My Family Seran was really furious today. His father and mother cooked tiny shrimps and small fish again. He had eaten these more than eighty zillion times. Seran said, “Dad and Mom, can you change your food? We have eaten the same food three hundred times every year!” Seran’s Mom took out a map from the closet, pointed to the book store and said, “We can go to the book store to buy a recipe. So we can learn how to cook. ” “Great idea! Let’s go and take the boat”, suggested Seran’s father. When they arrived at the boat, Seran got into it first. But the boat was too small. It was like the tightest wooden clothes. So Seran’s father said, “Since the boat doesn’t fit. We can just swim.” “Let’s have a race!” Seran suggested. “OK!” answered his Mom. Swash! They swam towards the store. And when Mom touched the store, she said, “I won!” “I am next”, shouted Seran. “I am the last”, said Seran’s father and they went in. When they came into the store, they couldn’t believe their eyes. There were more than ten shelves of recipes! And they were as shiny as diamonds! The book store was beautiful. And they found out that the recipes were not so expensive! They were ecstatic and they bought one of the best recipes—Seafood Barbecue. When they came home, Seran said, “Cook the dishes on the recipe!” “But we don’t have the ingredients.””Can we ask some from grandma?” Seran said thoughtfully. So they swam to grandma’s house and knocked on the door. Grandma soon came out and said, “Come in!” “We want some ingredients”, said Seran’s Mom. “Oh, here you are”, said grandma giving them twenty six big bags of ingredients. “Let’s have a barbecue”, said Dad. They started cooking fried yellow crabs and fried giant shrimps. The food was tasty and yummy. Seran tasted one giant shrimp that was as big as Seran’s head. He said, “Yummy!” Then, Seran’s Mom, Dad ate all the food and they were full. “Mom and Dad, you are the best cooks I ever met.” “We think so, too” Said Mom. Seran said, “Let’s call grandma to share our food.!” “OK!” said Mom and Dad, started to make another fried giant shrimp. Grandma came over, tasted the shrimp and said, “Delicious!” After the wonderful meal with his family, Seran helped to clean the table. He made the table look so shiny that you could see yourself in it. This is Seran’s family photo. They are Serpents. And they can all cook. Even Seran is learning how to cook now. And they are a happy family. The End ♪ 配乐:Kristofferson&`&S Theme / 海の見える街