

2014-08-24    06'20''

主播: 三明治童书研究所

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【Storyland读写工作室】是一个帮助6-12岁的儿童进行深度阅读与创意写作的小机构,我们想和孩子们一起进行这场创新的读写实验,让阅读和写作成为陪伴孩子终生的习惯与素养,一起来创造最有趣的家庭文化生活。(微信公众号:Storyland Studio) Angry with iPhone by Andre To my mum One day, I was playing iPhone. I was three years old and I don't know how to play iPhone. I press a button and the iPhone brakes. My mum was super angry. She said: “Why are you touching my iPhone?” I was unhappy. I knew I shouldn't touch her iPhone. “Time for supper.” mum said. I was lying on my bed. I don't want to eat supper because I was sad. I went out side. I asked Jack to fix my mum's iPhone. He said: “ I will fix it and I will teach you how to use it.” When he fixed it, he gave it to me. He taught me how to use it, and threw it to me. After supper, my mum took a bath. I took her iPhone away, and I played iPhone. When mum's bath was finished, I went to my room to sleep but I stole my mum's iPhone from the kitchen table and put it in my pocket. I closed the door, and I turned off the light. I was playing iPhone. I played for five minutes, and I went to sleep. In the morning, I woke up. I took my mum's iPhone and went to eat breakfast. I told her what I did last night. She told me no more iPhone until I am seven years old. I am seven years old. I thought: “ I can play iPhone now.” I took the iPhone out. I forgot how to use it! I asked Jack, Jack forgot it too! I thought: iPhone is not good for my eyes, so I didn't play iPhone again. The end. ♪ 配乐:星际漂流/つり球マーチ
下一期: Jasmine: 每个生命都值得被珍惜