Jasmine: 每个生命都值得被珍惜

Jasmine: 每个生命都值得被珍惜

2014-09-01    07'48''

主播: 三明治童书研究所

1035 31

【故事公园(Storyland)】是一个帮助6-12岁的儿童进行深度阅读与创意写作的独立机构,我们培养独立的阅读者和写作者,让阅读和写作成为陪伴孩子终生的习惯与素养,也鼓励家长陪伴孩子们进行这场创新的读写实验,一起来创造最有趣的家庭文化生活。 The Sign on the Fence By Jasmine For all the animals I’m lost. I am a dog. Where am I? Why am I here? I trembled. Then I heard a sound. “You are lost.” A cat said gently “Do you want to come with me?” “Why should I come with you?” I asked. “You're a stranger!” “Because I can help you. I'm Black.” said Black quietly. “My name is White,” I said “Let's go!” A few minute later. We came to an abandoned house. It had many dogs and cats there it smelled sweet and warm. Black brought me to a small room. “Leader, I bring back a lost dog.” Black called. “Come in.” answered a strong voice I shook with fear. “What is your name?” leader asked. The leader was a wolf dog. It had a scar. “I’m white.” I answered. “Can you help me to break my collar? It feels tight.” “Okay.” The wolf dog leader bit the collar off. Then white can't feel the collar. “Now you are in our group.” shouted the leader. “Hurry!” screamed Black. “I'll show you your place.” Then we walked away. “Leader, leader!” shouted a spotted cat. “Humans are going to destroy here to make a company next month!” “What?” said the leader. Tell everybody. I'll think of an idea!” “Okay.” Then he ran away and told everybody. Days and days went by. But leader didn't have an idea. So he called me and Black. “Black why you're dirty in your feet?” I asked, “I stepped in mud.” answered Black. “It's okay.” said the leader. “Let's talk. White what do people like?” “Interesting things.” I answered. “Wait… mud… foot prints… I got it!” We can use footprints to make toe word. “Home!” “Good idea!” said leader. “But do we need a lot of mud? Is the mud outside in the garden enough?” “Let’s go to see.” I said. “Come on Black.” We walked to the garden. The mud was enough. Leader said he’ll tell everybody to try tomorrow. “We are gonna to protect our home. Now everybody get some mud and were working on the word ‘Home’!” They were going to make a sign with the word ‘Home’ on.” said the leader. “Everybody go outside. I’m working on ‘M’ with my team. We will finish in 2 days. Now we need to wait for company.” “Hello? What? I'll come there in minute.” The company boss came and saw our sign on the outside of the fence. They called the news reporter. “It is unbelievable!” said the boss. “When I see this, I can't believe my eyes!” On the TV, everyone saw the word: HOME. Boss went back to the company. He asked many friends how he can help these animals. But his friends always sad the same thing “You can't build company here.” Boss didn't want to help the animals any more. He said to himself: They are just a thing that has four legs. They're nothing. Mean while hundreds of people came to see our sign. Some were taking pictures and some were looking. Also we were hiding inside of the house. “I think we will be famous!” I said. “Me too!” Black said. Our sign became so famous, that the company boss didn't build a company. “I promise I will not touch the animals' land.” said the boss. Now our leader is so happy and he said we'll have a party. At the party, everyone ate foods from the boss, meat, fish, chicken… And I thought the one thing we all know is that we use our own energy to save ourselves in danger. Death and life is an important thing for me and everybody else… And they live happily even after. {The End} I am Jasmine. Jasmine is 10 years old. She likes to draw. “The one and the only Ivan” is her favorite book. ♪ 配乐:水谷家の食卓/我心中住着一只猫