7月5日 【星球唱游】QQ和妈妈唱 Fishes Fishes Where Are You

7月5日 【星球唱游】QQ和妈妈唱 Fishes Fishes Where Are You

2015-07-05    02'15''

主播: 三明治童书研究所

474 21

爱唱歌的小女生QQ,这次和妈妈一起唱了《Fishes Fishes Where Are You》。QQ和妈妈一问一答,还自己哼出间奏,好听又可爱,一起来欣赏吧! 附上这首歌的歌词,小朋友们也可以学唱哦: Fishes fishes where are you Can you show me where they are Fishes fishes there they are Some are swimming in the pond Fishes fishes where are you Can you show me where they are Fishes fishes there they are Some are swimming in the river Fishes fishes where are you Can you show me where they are Fishes fishes there they are Some are swimming in the lake Fishes fishes where are you Can you show me where they are Fishes fishes there they are Some are swimming in the sea 本音频版权归Storyland所有,如未经同意擅自转录,我们必将追究法律责任。 ▷ Storyland在荔枝电台上开设首家英文家庭故事电台,每天推送一个英文电台节目,全部是原创! ▷ 呼吁理念契合的家长加入我们,一起来创造最有趣的家庭文化生活吧! 联系人:小S老师 个人微信号Storyland-SH 微信公号:iStoryland 荔枝fm账号:故事星球Storyland 网站:http://www.storyland.com.cn/