

2020-06-12    34'16''

主播: 三明治童书研究所

6766 42

本期节目中,Storyland故事星球采访了哈佛医学院讲师、青少年儿童心理学家、儿童绘本作家Dr. Christopher Willard,他谈论了mindfulness(正念)对于儿童心理与情绪发展的影响,家长如何将mindfulness带入孩子的生活中,以及阅读与儿童情商培养之间的联系。 Dr. Christopher Willard is a lecturer at Harvard Medical School. Apart from teaching at Harvard, he is also a researcher on mindfulness for kids and teenagers and has published various picture books about mindful breathing, including Alphabreaths, Breathing Makes It Better, and The Breathing Book. In this episode, Christopher talks about how he practices mindfulness with his kids in their daily lives and shares his advice for people new to mindfulness. 【访谈精选内容中文翻译】 请在微信上搜索Storyland故事星球服务号(iStoryland),后台回复关键词:作家采访 【节目内容 Topics covered】 4'22'' mindfulness(正念)是什么 9'48'' Christopher作为两个孩子的父亲是如何带孩子在生活中练习mindfulness的 14'09'' 给予初步接触mindfulness的人的建议 15'34'' Christopher著作的三本关于呼吸的儿童绘本 19'33'' mindfulness在疫情之下对于家庭的意义 21'19'' Christopher本人是如何应对与孩子练习mindfulness时遇到的挑战 23'36'' mindfulness与五感、情商培养之间的联系 28'27'' Christopher与他孩子的家庭阅读习惯 【嘉宾 Guest】 Dr. Christopher Willard 哈佛医学院讲师,青少年儿童心理学家 http://drchristopherwillard.com/ Instagram: @drchriswillard Twitter: @drchriswillard 【节目提及内容 Resources mentioned】 Growing Up Mindful Breathing Makes it Better Alphabreaths The Breathing Book Christopher Willard线上正念养育课程:搜索微信公众号“今心空间”