Cale Atkinson: 一个无所畏惧的创作者是怎样的? | 全球童书作者采计

Cale Atkinson: 一个无所畏惧的创作者是怎样的? | 全球童书作者采计

2020-12-04    27'24''

主播: 三明治童书研究所

250 1

来自加拿大的插画师与作家Cale Atkinson的家中有一个文件夹,其中装满了他曾经收到过的拒稿信,而他清晰记得第一次收到拒稿信时,他感到无比激动,这是为什么? 这期「全球童书作者采访计划」中,我们与这位无所畏惧的创作者Cale聊了聊他的创作与成长故事,他的创作涉及过众多领域,包括连环漫画、电影制作、游戏设计。节目中他分享了他从无数次的被拒绝中收获到的感受,以及他对于害怕拒绝的人的建议。 Cale Atkinson, author and illustrator of various children's books such as To the Sea, Explorers of the Wild, and Where Oliver Fits. Cale has a rejection letter folder in his house. Inside the folder is all the rejection letters he has ever received. In the interview, Cale talks about how throwing himself into work that he has no experience in contributes to the bold creator he embodies today. He also shares the one thing he always hopes to convey through his story. 【嘉宾 Guest】 Cale Atkinson 你可以在这里找到Storyland故事星球 Where to find us 官网: 微信服务号:Storyland故事星球服务号 (ID: iStoryland) 播客:各大声音平台或泛用型播客客户端搜索“Storyland故事星球” 片头音乐:15岁故事星球会员其乐原创 ​