Jonathan Stutzman是来自美国的童书作家,他与插画师Jay Fleck共同创作的Tiny T. Rex小霸王龙系列捕获了许多孩子的心,以亲切、幽默的方式给予孩子应对难题的勇气。
这期“全球童书作者采访计划”,我们连线Jonathan,与他聊了儿时的写书经历与Tiny T. Rex背后的创作故事。为什么孩子需要读到有着矮小身材角色的童书?与母亲之间什么样的经历让他写出了Tiny T. Rex无数次尝试拥抱朋友的故事?来听听本期节目吧!
Jonathan Stutzman is the author of the much beloved Tiny T. Rex series. In his unique humourous tone, the books allow children to step into the shoes of the adorable Tiny T. Rex and solve creative challenges they encounter in their everyday lives. In this episode, Jonathan talked about his book writing experience when he was 11. He also shared a moving account of what inspired him to write Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug.
【嘉宾 Guest】
Jonathan Stutzman
绘本著作 Books:
Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug
Tiny T. Rex and the Very Dark Dark
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