Joanna Ho是一位华裔美国作家,她的爸爸是宁波人,妈妈是台湾人。她曾经不喜欢自己的单眼皮,总是希望自己能够有迪士尼公主的大眼睛,直到她30岁的时候在台湾翻阅一本时尚杂志才发现原来自己也可以是美丽的。Joanna的的首部绘本作品Eyes That Kiss in the Corners今年出版后轰动了西方亚洲社区,这本书讲述了一个中国女孩通过家族根源认识到自己的美。在这期节目中Joanna讲述了为什么认识自身的美是一种对社会偏见的反抗革命行为,家长与教育者怎样培养有社会正义感的孩子。
Joanna Ho is the author of Eyes That Kiss in the Corners. As a writer and an educator, she is passionate about anti-bias, anti-racism and equity work. In this episode, Joanna shares with us her journey of recognizing her Asian beauty, how learning to recognize our beauty in a world that tells us opposing messages is an act of resistance and revolution, and how to teach children diversity and social justice.
【嘉宾 Guest】
Joanna Ho
绘本著作 Books:
Eyes That Kiss in the Corners
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