Geneviëve Godbout是一位成长于加拿大魁北克(法语区)的插画师,现居蒙特利尔。她的彩铅绘画风格非常有辨识度,代表作有《The Pink Umbrella》, 《When Santa Was a Baby》,《Mary Poppins》, 《If I couldn't be Anne》等等。本期节目中我们聊了聊她做插画师之前在迪士尼画画的工作经历,她作为艺术家心目中好的绘本是什么样的,她2020年刚出版的新书--第一次除了画画也写书的内容的体验等等,欢迎收听!
Geneviëve Godbout is a Freelance illustrator living in Montreal. She is the illustrator of a number of books for children, including The Pink Umbrella, When Santa Was a Baby,Mary Poppins, If I couldn't be Anne,etc. In this episode, we talked about her work experience as a character artist in Walt Disney, her debut book as both author and illustrator, her criteria for good picture books and many more.