

2022-02-01    05'35''

主播: 邦尼兔英语

241 3

中文 英文 恭喜发财 May you be happy and prosperous! 财源广进 May your wealth be plentiful! 财源滚滚 May wealth come pouring! 吉星高照 May good fortune fall upon you! 大吉大利 May you have great luck and fortune! 新年大吉 I wish you luck for the new year! 心想事成 May all your wishes come true! 万事如意 May everything go well for you! 笑口常开 May your year be filled with abundant smiles and laughter! 身体健康 I wish you good health! 阖家幸福 I wish your family happiness! 事业有成 I wish you great success in your career! 学业有成 I wish you great success in your study! 虎年 the Year of the Tiger 虎年大吉 I wish you luck for the Year of the Tiger!