

2017-05-02    07'40''

主播: 飞凡英语

858 21

This must be one of the odder-looking words in the language/ and puzzles us in part/ because it doesn't seem to have any relatives. What's more, it is now/ virtually a fossil word, until recently/ almost invariably found in arms. Akimbo, a posture/ in which a person stands with hands on hips/ and elbows sharply bent outward, one/ that signals impatience^, hostility^, or contempt. 重音混乱或者是【毫无重音】是低分的罪魁祸首 重音混乱之太平淡主要问题出现在单词单个拆开,没有意群连接,自然也就没有重音体现。PTE中的Read Aloud重点是能读出句子本身的意思,感觉是在自然的叙述。 如何强调重音是关键- 如何有连读来体现重音