-Hello, I am Baymax, Your personal health care companion.
-Hey, Baymax, I didn't know you were still active.
-I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the trouble?
-Oh, I just stubbed my toe a little. I'm fine.
-On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?
-Zero? I'm okay, really. Thanks. You can shrink now.
-Does it hurt when I touch it?
-That's okay. No. No touching.
-You have fallen.
-You think?
-On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?
-It is alright to cry.
-Crying is a natural response to pain.
-I'm not crying.
-I will scan you for injury.
-Don't scan me.
-Scan complete.
-You have sustained no injuries. However, your hormone and neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are experiencing mood swings. Common on adolescents. Diagnosis: Puberty.
-Oh, what? Okay, time to shrink now.
-You should expect an increase in body hair, especially on your face, chest, armpits.
-Thank you, that's enough.
-You may also experience strange and powerful new urges.
-Okay, let's get you back in your luggage.
-I can not deactivate until you say: You are satisfied with your care.