绝望主妇|精讲:满血复活 Get back out there

绝望主妇|精讲:满血复活 Get back out there

2015-06-13    11'31''

主播: 英语101

5644 353

在mary alice的葬礼上,苏珊和新搬来的水管工麦克一见钟情。女儿朱莉当然看出妈妈的心思啦,鼓励妈妈要主动出击…… JULIE: (to SUSAN) His wife died a year ago, he wanted to stay in LA but there were too many memories. He's renting for tax purposes, but he's hoping to buy a place real soon. SUSAN: I can't believe you went over there. JULIE: Hey, I saw you both flirting at the wake. You're obviously into each other. Now that you know he's single, you can ask him out. SUSAN: Julie, I like Mr. Delfino, I do. It's just, I don't know if I'm ready to start dating yet. JULIE: Ugh, you need to get back out there. Come on. How long has it been since you'e had sex? Are you mad that I asked you that? SUSAN: No, I'm just trying to remember. I don't wanna talk to you about my love life anymore, it weirds me out. JULIE: I wouldn't have said anything it's just? SUSAN: What? JULIE: I heard Dad's girlfriend asking if you'd dated anyone since the divorce, and Dad said he doubted it. And then they both laughed.