

2015-08-22    24'26''

主播: 英语101

27415 628

SCENE 1 PENNY: I get it. Leonard has no business being involved with a waitress-slash-actress who felt so insecure that she lied to him about finishing community college. SHELDON: Why would you lie about that? PENNY: Well, he was going on and on about this college and that grad school, and I...I didn't want him to think I was some kind of stupid loser. SHELDON: You thought the opposite of "stupid loser" was "community college graduate"? PENNY: You know, there are a lot of successful people in this country who are community college graduates. SHELDON: Yeah, but you are neither. PENNY: Right. Okay, look, this is between you and me. You cannot tell Leonard any of this. Look, just forget I told you about me...not graduating from community college, okay? SHELDON: Forget? You want me to forget? This mind does not forget. I haven't forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me. It was a drizzly Tuesday. PENNY: Okay...Look,you promised me you would keep my secret, so you're just gonna have to figure out a way to do it. SHELDON: Leonard,I'm moving out. SCENE 2 RAJ: What did you do? Did you change the contrast or brightness settings on the television? LEONARD: No. HOWARD: Did you take a Band-Aid off in front of him? LEONARD: No. HOWARD: Did you buy generic ketchup, forget to rinse the sink, talk to him through the bathroom door? RAJ: Adjust the thermostat, cook with cilantro, pronounce the "t" in often? LEONARD: No. LEONARD: Did you make fun of trains? LEONARD: No,I didn't do anything. He's just gone insane. RAJ: Well,we all knew this day was coming. 【实用句型】 This is between you and me 要保密噢 You're just gonna have to figure out a way to do it. 总之你得想个解决办法。 I'm moving out. 我要搬出去了。 We all knew this day was coming. 早就知道会有这一天的。