

2015-12-29    18'05''

主播: 英语101

4858 311

While I’m in America, I get to sponge in so many things. I’m not the one that’s been featured at these places. I’m not the star, some people don’t even know me. And I’m fine with that. You know what I mean? I don’t even view myself as a star. I’m just trying to make some money, bro. Certain situations made me migrate to America. I met everyone you see me around now. And they’re my family now. I can count on my hands and my toes how many close real friends I have in China and Hong Kong. A lot of them turned their back on me when shit wasn’t good. They just literally said then don’t know me. When I started my store, my dad told me that I was wasting 2.5 million HK dollars in the investment that I put into this company. I would’ve maybe not taking it so seriously, honestly, but my dad was like “you’re gonna fail. You’are gonna lose this money. You’re gonna come begging me back and say ‘I was wrong.’” I’m like “Man, You’re so wrong.” I tried my ass off man, I tried even harder than I tried in entertainment. Now we have around 10 million US dollars turnover every year. People that support me, thank you. And the people that hate me, I have to thank them too. I’m happy with my life. Who wouldn’t be happy, if you were me, you would be happy too. But these people that keep saying that I’m shit, I can’t do this, I’m dummy, I only have a face. This and that. When everything is over, trust me, then won’t be able to say that, cause the facts will be there. This is what I’ve been hoping for. God will know. I work hard.