

2017-04-02    20'42''

主播: 英语101

27675 1087

Q:Who did you look up to as a child? A:Scientists like Einstein. Q: What three words best describe you? 哪三个词语能够最好地描述您? A: Learner, reader and teacher. 学习者、阅读者和教师。 Q: What’s the craziest idea you ever had and actually acted on? 您曾经有过最疯狂的想法,并且付诸实施的是什么? A: Dropping out of school. 辍学吧。 Q:What&`&s your favorite thing to do in your spare time? A: Other than reading, I loved playing tennis and bridge. These are my typical hobbies. Q: What’s one weird or peculiar thing about you? 您最独特、最奇怪的地方是什么? A: I stay up too late. You know, ‘cause I’m reading something interesting. And the next day I think oh why don’t I go to bed earlier. I should have more discipline. 我熬夜到很晚,因为有的时候读书读得放不下,但是第二天又很自责,我觉得我应该更自律一些,早点睡觉。 Q: What wish would you make on your 100th birthday? A: I hope my brain is still working. Q: What do you most curious about? A: I&`&m very curious about artificial intelligence. Q: What&`&s your definition of success? 你对成功的定义是什么? A: Whether people close to you love you and feel you support them. 你身边的人是否爱你,感受到你的支持 Q: Many Chinese often see programmers as guys wearing glasses and checkered shirts who always stay in and tend to start a romantic relationship later in life. Do you see yourself like that? 在很多中国人的心目当中,程序员就是那些戴着眼镜、穿着格子衬衫,待在家里的宅男,很晚才开始一段感情,您自己是不是这样的? A: Well, I was kind of a nerdy guy. I wasn’t good at talking to girls. And my social skills were really late developed, if they ever did. So yeah, maybe. 我也曾算是个书呆子,以前也不太擅于和女孩说话,我的社交技能发展得比较晚。所以,答案可能是“也许”吧。 Q: If you can switch one day with anyone , who would it be? A: There&`&re people who live very interesting lives. but I dont really think I would switch place with anyone. If it&`&s just for a day, it&`&d be fascinating thing to see what it would be like to be doing different things. In general I feel I&`&m the luckiest person. Q: Is there any pressure from having so much money? 您这么有钱压力大吗? A: There’s a responsibility to give it back to society in a smart way. Sometimes the visibility - I worry that my children get a distorted experience from people coming up to me or expecting certain things from them. But overall, I feel very lucky that I have the chance to give it away. 这意味着你有责任以明智的方式用它回报社会。但是有的时候可能曝光度太高了,我担心我的孩子们会受到影响,人们对他们有特别的期待。不过总的来讲,我觉得有机会捐献自己的财富是一件非常幸运的事了。 Q: How much cash do you bring with you when you go out usually? A: A few hundred. Not much. Q: Do people often come to you to borrow money? A: No. Q: What will you do if you lose all money one day? A: I will find a job. Maybe I could write software. Q: What quality in a person do you value most? A: Loyalty. Q: Who is your best friend? 谁是您最好的朋友? A: Other than my wife, I’d say Warren Buffett. 除了我妻子,我想应该是巴菲特先生吧。 Q: When you&`&re distressed , you will share with your firends or family members? A: Probably family. Q: Where and when did you meet your wife for the first time, still remember? A: Yeah I still remember. At a Microsoft dinner in NY. Q: How did you propose? A: Pretty conventional. On my knee. Q: Do you wish that your kids would carry on what you do? 您希望您的孩子继承您的事业吗? A: No. They will have their own abilities. It’s not a dynasty. Their skills, their interests. Their father shouldn’t determine what they do. I’m glad they didn’t choose to do software like I did. One would probably be a doctor, one would do policy, each of their own thing. 不,我希望他们有自己的能力,这不是一个王朝,他们有自己的技能、自己的兴趣,我觉得一个父亲不应该去决定孩子的生活,我很高兴他们没有。 Q: I heard you don&`&t allow your kids to use cellphone before 13, right? A: Because it&`&s a distraction. Q: People are curious about your time management. So when do you get up in the morning? A: Eight. Q: When do you start to work and how long do you work everyday? A: I&`&m traveling quite a bit, but when I&`&m not traveling, I usually work from eight until six. I&`&m reading at night, which is a lot work related, doing emails that are work related. Q: Do you work on weekends? A: I work on some weekends. It depends on the kids and what are their activities mostly. Q: How much time do you spend on your phone everyday? A: Very little. You&`&d be surprised how little.