

2016-01-31    13'28''

主播: 英语101

8857 421

皮肤干燥skin dryness,龟裂cracking,flaky起屑掉皮 敏感肌sensitive and irritable, 皮肤发红have redness 保湿品 moisturizers Whatever type of skin you have, it will become drier in winter. To prevent cracking and dryness, you need to moisturize your skin. During summer and spring we use water-based moisturizers. In these winter days, you should use oil-based moisturizer, because oil creates a protective layer on the skin, which will protect you from external factors such as smog, wind, and cold. 理想的肌肤状态 Glowing,elastic and wrinkle-free Winter blue 形容冬天因为天气寒冷缺少阳光,人也容易变得消极被动情绪低落的状态 对于头发的保养, Dont use curling and flat iron. No matter what products you are using, it is simply impossible to keep your hair healthy while attacking it with so many things that are damaging it and making it dry. 断裂breakage 分叉split ends 护发素conditioner To prevent breakage and split ends, try leaving the irons aside for the season. Smoking and drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages will certainly lead to hair and skin dryness, and make them both sensitive. Vitamin C is definitely your best friend during this cold season. Firstly, it boosts your immune system. Secondly, it improves the production of collagen. collagen 胶原蛋白 Dont stop exercising. By exercising you will help your body get rid of toxins more efficiently. Also, exercising can boosts the production of endorphins. endorphins 胺多酚 Get more sleep, be well-rested. When you are tired, your skin is the first to show signs of unhealthy habits. it’s not that difficult to keep your body in good health using these simple tips, you just need to adopt a few good habits and be persistent.