

2018-02-13    09'43''

主播: 英语101

4068 93

在Quora上有这样一个提问: Why are atrractive girls always from wealthy families?为什么好看的女生通常来自富有的家庭呢? 我们当中不少人也有这样的疑问吧,看看这些答主的回答,你是否赞同? Gordon Miller Rich and successful men attract young and beautiful women to be their wives and to have children with. Those beautiful wives have beautiful kids, even if the guy is sometimes really ugly. 富有而成功的的男士吸引着年轻漂亮的女性,让她们想要成为这些人的妻子并生下他们的孩子。那些漂亮的妻子常常会生下漂亮的孩子,就算有些成功男士长得丑也一样。 The kids grow up and they continue to marry other rich successful men and they have kids that are even more beautiful then they continue to improve their looks over multiple generations. So, it has gotten to the point that in the US most girls from wealthy families are very attractive. 这些孩子长大后会接着与富有的成功男士结婚,生下更美的孩子。过了几代后,这些家庭的外貌就发生了改变。因此在美国,许多来自富有家庭的女孩长得都很漂亮。 There are of course really attractive girls from poor families too, but they sometimes grow up to marry rich successful men and have beautiful kids in a wealthy family too. 当然,穷苦家庭也会出现漂亮女孩,但她们有的在长大后也会嫁给富有的成功男士,在富裕的家庭诞下孩子。 Nikhil Kumar Sharma The best phrase applicable for this question is:You were never ugly, you were poor. 我认为最能回答这个问题的句子是:你不丑,你只是穷。 Nobody in the world is ugly or unattractive. It's just that they don't have enough money to look gorgeous and this theory is applicable for both the gender. 这个世界上没有人真正丑得不能看或者毫无吸引力的人。他们会这样只是因为他们没有足够的钱让自己看起来光彩照人,这一点男女均适用。 The girl who you think is unattractive would surely look gorgeous if she was the daughter of a millionaire or somebody rich. It's just that a poor parent cannot spend so much after her daughter so that she can look attractive. So it's not like that poor girls are unattractive, it's just that she cannot afford expensive accessories to make her look beautiful. 在你眼中平平无奇的女孩如果是百万富翁或者某个富豪的女儿,那么她肯定也能看起来靓丽动人。她之所以看起来平淡无奇是因为贫穷的父母没有多余的钱给女儿打扮。所以不是贫穷的女孩没有吸引力,而是因为她买不起昂贵的饰物来让自己变美。