

2018-03-14    08'17''

主播: 英语101

7396 217

江疏影: What is your ideal of love and romance? 你理想中的爱情是什么样的? Do you think the appearance is of great significance? 对方的外表在爱情中的重要性大吗? If it is to be quantified, to what extent do you think it is? 如果是的话,占多大的比重呢? 导演吉尔莫·德尔·托罗: Look, I think love can happen beyond romantic love. 我觉得爱不仅仅是两性之间的爱情。 Father to son, brother to brother. You can love cinema and it&`&s as healing and as beautiful as love literature, and it&`&s as healing as loving someone. 父子情、兄弟情,都是爱。你也可以爱电影,并且这种爱也像所有爱情文学一样可以治愈心灵,可以很美。 Love is to be able to look at the thing you love with the good and bad together, not trying to change that thing or person to perfection. 爱就是能够同时接受对方的好与不好,而不试着去改变对方本身。 Perfection is the enemy of love, I think. And imperfection accepted is more seen as beautiful. 在我看来,完美是爱的敌人。包容不完美,才是爱的美丽之处。 That&`&s why the creature and Sally in the movie don&`&t speak, so that it wasn&`&t like look was the real deal. 这也是为什么电影里的Sally和生物都不说话,也不靠外表吸引彼此。