破产姐妹♥ S01E01高频口语25句

破产姐妹♥ S01E01高频口语25句

2018-04-26    10'53''

主播: 英语101

2507 75

she burned you. 她完胜你哟 Do not think we&`&re on the same team. 别以为我跟你一队的 We have nothing in common. 咱们没共同点 Let me pay you for that. Oh, no,It&`&s on the house. 我付钱给你。不用,我请客 I think it&`&d be better for everyone, 这样对大家都好 You are really judgmental, you know that? 你也太爱给人贴标签了吧 I&`&m a really fast learner.我学东西可快了 You did better than I thought you would. 比我预计的好多了 I have to be in the city by 10:00. 我明早十点要到市中心 I can cross that off my bucket list. 死前心愿又完成了一样 I had nowhere else to go, 我没地方可去 God, you&`&re spoiled. 天啊 还真是娇生惯养 Breaks my heart. 心都碎了 What are you doin&`& over there? 在那儿干嘛呢 Why didn&`&t you wait for me?I thought we were coming over together.不是说好一起过来的吗 I&`&m just trying to help. 我只是想帮忙而已 Let me put it to you this way.我就这么跟你说吧 She doesn&`&t know what she&`&s talkin&`& about. 她懂个屁 就会瞎说 This isn&`&t what I ordered. 你们上错菜了 What&`&d you see in that guy, anyway? 你到底看上那家伙哪点 I just felt myself starting to like you. 我慢慢开始有点喜欢你了 I&`&m gonna save a fortune 省一大笔钱