【老友记精讲】305: 吃瓜群众看好戏 Go for it

【老友记精讲】305: 吃瓜群众看好戏 Go for it

2018-10-12    20'55''

主播: 英语101

9255 120

Ross: Ok, I&`&ve got three of my five. Rachel: Three of your five, what? Ross: Celebrities I&`&m allowed to sleep with. Rachel: Oh my God! You are giving this a lot of thought. Ross: Hey, it&`&s hard, ok? I only have two spots left. Chandler: All right, so who you got it narrowed down to? Ross: Okay, Elizabeth Hurely. Chandler: Oooh hoo, very attractive, forgiving. Ross: Susan Sarandon. Chandler: Eh, You know what? She&`&s too political. She&`&d probably make you donate four cans of food first. Ross: And Isabella Rosselini. Ross: Very hot. Very sexy. But ah, you know, she&`&s too international, you know she&`&s never gonna be around. Rachel: So? So, you gotta play the odds, pick somebody who&`&s gonna be in the country like all the time. Rachel: Yeah, &`&cause that&`&s why you won&`&t get Isabella Rosselini, geography. 加wx:aojun717,可购买老友记笔记学习包以及加入口语群 早一天加入,早一天真正突破自己!​