So, tell me, did you give Peach the card?
No, I didn&`&t.
It was like my mouth wouldn&`&t let me do it.
That&`&s crazy. What&`&s so hard about going up to Peach and saying, "good afternoon, Peach."
"Exciting news... I started a cupcake business."
"Here&`&s our card."
"Please pass them out to all your friends,
and help us launch our exciting new business venture."
"Thank you."
That sounds needy,
like when someone asks you to come to their one-woman show.
"Somebody date-raped me,
and I didn&`&t think I&`&d live through it,
but I did, and now I&`&m stronger,
and, uh, still needy."
There is nothing needy about having a quality product
and wanting it out there.
Look at Earl... he has a CD on display.
Yeah, but he&`&s cool about it.
He doesn&`&t get all late-night infomercial
and shove them down people&`&s throats.