破产姐妹 | 高频口语: 「不漂亮」真的很吃亏

破产姐妹 | 高频口语: 「不漂亮」真的很吃亏

2018-12-07    12'44''

主播: 英语101

9674 103

S01E07 I love this place. Looks like Paris in the '20s. 我喜欢这个地方 感觉像是二十年代的巴黎 More like poseurs in their 20s. 更像二十几岁的伪小资吧 Hi, what can I get for you? 你好 需要点什么吗 Hi, I'm Caroline and this is my business partner Max. 你好 我是卡洛琳 这位是我的合作伙伴麦克斯 - And you are? - Semhar. - Oh, jeez. - Such a pretty name. It means "light of the tiger" in Sanskrit. Oh, jeez. It's my yoga name. Help me, God. Well, Semhar, we just opened a local neighborhood cupcake company. Our card. We're introducing our exciting product 我们来把自家的拳头产品 to local boulangeries. 介绍给本地的面包店 Please try a sample. Max. 请试一个我们的样品吧 麦克斯 Would you like coconut-coffee, chocolate-curry, 你是想来个椰子咖啡味的 巧克力咖喱味 or blueberry-lemon zest? 还是蓝莓柠檬味 My absolute fave is the coconut-coffee. 我最喜欢的是椰子咖啡味 Let's start with that, shall we? 咱们先从这个试起 好吗 Thank you, but no thank you. 谢谢 但是不用了 谢谢 Well, can I ask you why? 能问下原因吗 They're not pretty enough. 它们不够漂亮 Excuse me? 你说什么 They're not pretty enough. 它们不够漂亮 Perhaps if you tried one, 或许你试吃之后 you'd see how amazing our flavor palate is. 会发现这口味有多棒 What do you mean, they're not pretty enough? 你说它们不够漂亮是什么意思 They have a charming homemade look, 这小蛋糕有个自制小作坊的可爱外形 but my customer would prefer a more upscale, prettier product. 但是我的顾客喜欢更高档更漂亮的产品 Just FYI, some upscale residents 告诉你一下 你这家高档的店 in this very upscale building 所在的这栋高档的大楼 where your upscale store actually is located 里面的高档住户 recently told us they were fabulous. 前不久才夸我们的蛋糕一级棒呢 I understand. 我懂 But they're not pretty enough. 但它们不够漂亮