

2019-08-21    03'27''

主播: 简夷

3463 35

德龄公主 全英文演讲 The world today is passing through the most tremendous periods of real adjustment as mankind has seen. And the real desire to do away with the war is being manifested.  当今世界正在经历着人类所见过的最重要的调整时期,而真正想要和平的愿望正慢慢的呈现。   Peace on earth and good will towards man can only be accomplished by the mutual respect and understanding from one nation towards another.  在地球的和平上,就与人为善而言,只能通过国与国之间的相互理解和尊重来实现。   Since I have been in this country first time through my writing and lecturing, I have endeavored to create a better understanding between China and the United States by presenting their beautiful artistic and cultural side of Chinese life.  因为这是我首次以写作和演讲的方式来到这个国家,我已经努力的向你们介绍中国具有艺术性和文化方面的生活,并希望以此来增进彼此之间的关系。   I am grieved that this side of Chinese life is very little known here. Although China is a very old country, she is a young republic. She is striving, muffling to develop and become up to date.  令我伤心难过的是这一方面的中国在国外竟是鲜为人知的。虽然中国是古国,但她也是一个新生国。她努力奋斗,不断发展,与时俱进。   This will take time, but in Chinese' heart, it is not far behind her American sisters in her desire to become emancipated. Rapid transportation has brought China and the United States to each other's doorway. I feel especially privileged and grateful.  这也都是需要时间的,但是她们心里渴望的是解放,像他国一样。而迅捷的交通就是敞开彼此的国门,让中外关系发展起来。我因此感到特别的愉快和荣幸。