

2019-08-30    12'00''

主播: 简夷

3398 38

Jack and his mother were very poor, all they had was one cow. One day, Jack’s mother said, “ go and sell our cow, and bring the money back to me.” 杰克和他的妈妈很穷,他们只有一头奶牛。一天,杰克的妈妈说:“去把我们的奶牛卖掉,把钱拿回来给我。” Jack took the cow away to sell. On the way he met a man who wanted to buy the cow. “I have no money,” said the man, “ but I will give you five magic beans for your cow.” 杰克牵着奶牛出去卖,在路上他遇到了一个想买他奶牛的男人。“我没有钱”,这个男人说,“但我会给你五颗魔豆来换你的奶牛。” “All right,” said Jack. And he gave the man his cow. “好吧,”杰克说。他就把奶牛给了这个男人。 Jack took the beans back to his mother. She was very angry. “These beans are no good to us,” she said. And she threw the beans out of the window. 杰克把豆子带回家给他妈妈,她非常生气。“这些豆子对我们没有用”,她说,然后她把豆子扔出了窗外。 The next day when Jack woke up, he saw a giant Beanstalk outside his window. “I want to climb to the top,” said Jack. Jack started to climb the Beanstalk. 第二天杰克醒来,看到他的窗外有一株巨大的豆茎。“我想爬到顶上去”,杰克说。杰克开始爬豆茎。 “No, Jack! No!” Said Jack’s mother. But Jack climbed up and up and up, to the very top of the Beanstalk. “不,杰克,别去,”杰克的妈妈说。但是杰克一直爬呀爬,爬到了豆茎的顶端。 Jack saw a giant castle with a giant door. When he opened the door, he saw a giant woman. 杰克看到一座巨大的城堡,城堡有扇巨大的门。当他打开门,看到一个女巨人。 “Look out,” said the woman, “my husband is coming! He will eat you up!” “小心,”女巨人说,“我丈夫来了,他会吃了你的”。 “Fee Fi Fo Fum! Watch out everyone! Here I come!” Roared the giant. “哼嘿喝哈,都小心点儿,我来了!”巨人咆哮道。 “You must hide!” Said the woman. And she hide Jack in the cupboard. “你必须藏起来,”女巨人说。然后她把杰克藏在碗柜里。 The giant came in and sat down at the table with some giant bags of money. He started to count his money. Jack watched him from inside the cupboard. 巨人进屋坐在桌子旁,拿着一大袋的钱。他开始数钱,杰克从碗柜里看着他。 Soon the giant fell asleep. Jack came out of the cupboard and took all the money. Then he climbed down the Beanstalk and gave the money to his mother. 很快,巨人就睡着了。杰克从碗柜里爬了出来,拿走了巨人所有的钱。然后他顺着豆茎爬了下去,把钱给了他妈妈。 Not long after, Jack wanted to climb the Beanstalk again. “No, Jack! No!” Said his mother. 不久后,杰克又想爬豆茎了。“不,杰克,别去!”他的妈妈说。 But Jack said, “I must!” Jack saw the giant woman again. 但杰克说,“我必须去!”杰克又看到了女巨人! “Look out,” she said, “my husband is angry because money has been stolen!” “小心,”她说,“我丈夫很生气,因为他的钱被偷了。” “Fee Fi Fo Fum! Watch out everyone! Here I come!” Roared the giant. “哼嘿喝哈,都小心点儿,我来了!”巨人咆哮道。 “You must hide in the cupboard,” said the woman. “你必须再藏进碗柜里,”女巨人说。 The giant came in and sat down at the table. He had with him a magic hen. The magic hen laid golden eggs. 巨人进屋坐在桌旁,他拿着一直魔法鸡,魔法鸡下的蛋都是金蛋。 Very soon the giant fell asleep. Jack came out of the cupboard and took the hen. Then he climbed down the Beanstalk. 很快,巨人就睡着了。杰克爬出碗柜,拿走了母鸡,然后他顺着豆茎爬了下去。 The next day, Jack climb the Beanstalk again. At the top of the Beanstalk, Jack saw the giant woman. 第二天,杰克又爬上了豆茎。在豆茎顶端,杰克看到了女巨人。 “Look out,” said the woman, “my husband is angry because his hen and his money had been stolen.” “小心,”女巨人说,“我丈夫很生气,因为他的鸡和他的钱都被偷了。” “Fee Fi Fo Fum! Watch out everyone! Here I come!” Roared the giant. “哼嘿喝哈,都小心点儿,我来了!”巨人咆哮道。 “You must hide in the cupboard again,” said the woman. “你必须再藏进碗柜里,”女巨人说。 The giant came in with a magic harp. He sat down at the table and the harp started to play. 巨人进屋,拿着魔法竖琴。他坐在桌旁,竖琴就开始演奏了。 Soon the giant fell asleep. Jack came out of the cupboard and took the harp. Then he started to climb down the Beanstalk. 很快巨人就睡着了。杰克爬出碗柜,拿走了竖琴,然后他开始顺着豆茎往下爬。 “Run away,” said the woman, ”the giant is behind you!” “快跑,”女巨人说,“巨人就在你身后。” Jack climb down the Beanstalk with the angry giant behind him. When Jack was at the bottom, his mother cut down the Beanstalk. 杰克顺着豆茎爬了下去,愤怒的巨人紧随其后。当杰克爬到豆茎底部,他的妈妈把豆茎砍倒。 Crash! And that was the end of the giant. Now Jack and his mother were not poor, and they lived happily ever after. 轰隆!巨人就这么死了。现在,杰克和他妈妈不再贫穷,从此他们过上了幸福的生活。