Bunny  and  the  Monster ~Leo 腾

Bunny and the Monster ~Leo 腾

2017-07-23    02'20''

主播: Leo腾腾🎤讲故事

139 4

Bunny and the Monster One day the Rabbits went for a ride. "Stop!" said Grandma 一天,兔子一家出门兜风。 “停下!”外婆说。 Dad said:"You can go for a hop,little rabbits. But do not go far!” 爸爸说:“小兔子们,你们可以去蹦蹦跳跳, 但是不要走太远 !" Bunny and Sunny and Jack went for a hop. They hopped under a fence. Bunny,Sunny,Jack蹦蹦跳跳, 跳进了栅栏。 "Who is there?"said Bunny "It's a monster!"said Sunny "Run!"said Jack “谁在那边?”Bunny说 “是头怪物!”Sunny说 “快跑!”Jack说 Bunny hopped into a hole. She saw a pink monster. Bunny跳进了一个洞, 她看到了一个粉色的怪兽。 Sunny hopped behind a bush. she saw a black and white monster. Sunny 跳进了灌木丛后面。 她看到了一个黑白相间的怪兽。 Jack hopped in the tall grass. He saw a long monster with lots of hair! Jack 跳到了很高的草丛后面。 他看到了一个长长的,长着很多毛的怪兽。 Bunny,Sunny,and Jack hopped back to the car. At home,they made pictures of the monster. Bunny,Sunny和Jack回到车那里。 回家后,他们画了怪物的图画。 "It looked like this!"said Bunny. "No,"said Sunny."it looked like this!" "No,no,"said Jack."It looked like this!" “它看起来像这个!”Bunny说。 “不”Sunny说,“它看起来像这个!” “不,不”Jack说,“它看起来像这个!” "Did we see three monsters?" said Bunny, She looked and looked at the pictures. “难道我们看到了三个怪物?”Bunny说 她一遍又一遍地看着刚画的图画。 She made some lines. 她将几幅图做了连线。 "Look!"said Bunny. "We saw the same monster. But it was not a monster at all!" “看!”Bunny说。 “我们看到了同一个怪兽。但那其实并不是怪兽!”