The Goat in the Garden ~Leo 腾

The Goat in the Garden ~Leo 腾

2017-08-03    03'06''

主播: Leo腾腾🎤讲故事

201 14

The Goat in the Garden Long ago, a farmer and his wife planted a garden. One day, Goat went into the garden. Goat ate the plants. "Stop! ”said the farmer and his wife. But Goat ate and ate. "Let’s get Dog, ”said the farmer. “He will make Goat go away.” So Dog went into the garden. Dog barked at Goat. But Goat kicked Dog out of the garden. "Let’s get Duck, ” said the farmer’s wife. “She will make Goat go away!” So Duck went into the garden. Duck quacked at Goat. But Goat kicked Duck out of the garden. "Where is Cow? ”said the farmer. “She will kick Goat out!” So Cow went into the garden. Cow mooed at Goat. But Goat kicked Cow out of the garden, too! The farmer and his wife were sad. Soon they would have nothing to eat! "I can help, ”said a little ant. “How can you help us? ” said the farmer and his wife. “You are tiny!” “Just watch! ”said Ant. Ant climbed up Goat’s leg. She bit Goat! “Ouch! ”cried Goat. Ant climbed on Goat’s back. She bit Goat again and again! “Ouch! Ouch! ”cried Goat. Then Goat ran out of the garden! "Thank you , little Ant!” said the farmer and his wife. “You are tiny, but you saved our garden!” "I like it here, ”said Ant. “I will stay and keep Goat away.”
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