The Three  Billy  Goats ~Leo腾

The Three Billy Goats ~Leo腾

2018-03-26    06'10''

主播: Leo腾腾🎤讲故事

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Long ago, there were three goats named Big, Middle, and Small. Like all goats, they loved grass, and they were always hungry for more. 很久以前,有三只山羊, 他们的名字分别是:Big,Middle,Small。 和所有的山羊一样,他们也很喜欢吃青草, 而且他们总是想吃得更多。 One day, Small said, "Look over there, across the river!" The goats looked. They saw a big, green hill. 有一天,Small说: “看那儿,穿过那条小河!” 山羊们望过去,他们看到了宽广的, 郁郁葱葱的小山丘。 "That hill is so green!" said Middle. "It must be covered with tasty grass." "That grass will make a fine lunch." said Big. "Let's go there now!" “那座山看起来好青翠啊!” Middle说道。 “上面一定有美味的青草。” “那将会是一顿可口的午餐,” Big说道,“让我现在出发去那里吧!” The goats reached the edge of the river. They saw a sign. It said: Warning! Troll Bridge! Do Not Cross! 当山羊到达河边的时候, 他们看到了一块指示牌。上面写到: 警告!水怪之桥!不要跨越! "I don't like trolls!" said Small. "Neither do I!" said Middle. "Don't worry," said Big. He pointed under the bridge. "Look! We are three smart goats, and I see only one little troll. We can get across that bridge." “我不喜欢水怪!”Small说道。 “我也不喜欢!”Middle说道。 “不要担心,”Big说道,他指了指桥底下, “看!我们是三只聪明的山羊, 而且我只看到了一只小水怪。 我们可以穿过那座桥。” Small went first. As he trotted across the bridge, his small feet made a small sound. Trip-trap. Trip-trap. Trip-trap. The troll woke up. Small先走上了桥。 当他小跑穿过桥的时候, 他的小碎步发出了一丝声响。 哒哒,哒哒,哒哒… 水怪被惊醒了。 “Who is crossing my bridge?” he yelled. "It's only me!" said Small. "I want some fresh grass to eat. Please let me go across." “谁在过我的桥?”他喊道。 “只有我!”Small回答道, “我想吃些新鲜的青草,请让我过去吧。” "No one may cross!" cried the troll. "If you try, I will gobble you up!" The little goat stopped to think. “没有人能通过!”水怪大声吼道。 “如果你非要试试,我就一口把你吞了!” 小山羊停下来想了想。 "Please don't do that," said Small. "I am very small and thin. Wait for my sister. She is bigger. You will find her much more tasty.” “请不要这么做,”Small说道, “我又小又瘦,一点都不好吃,等等我的姐姐, 她比我壮多了,你会发现她更美味。” “Well,” said the troll. “All right then. Now run away before I change my mind!” So Small ran across the bridge. “好吧,”水怪说道, “那么好吧,趁着我还没有改变主意,现在快跑吧。” 于是,Small通过了桥。 Next came Middle. As she trotted across the bridge, her middle-sized feet made a middle-sized sound. 接下来走上桥的是Middle, 当他小跑走过桥的时候, 她不大不小的步子发出了不大不小的声音。 TRIP-trap. TRIP-trap. TRIP-trap. "Who is crossing my bridge?" yelled the troll. "It's only me!" said the goat. "I want some fresh grass to eat. Please let me go across." 踢踏,踢踏,踢踏… “谁在过我的桥?”水怪喊道。 “只有我!”山羊说道, “我想吃点新鲜的青草。请让我通过吧。” "No one may cross!" cried the troll. "If you try to cross my bridge, I will gobble you up!" "Please don't do that," said Middle. "Wait for my brother. He is very big, and he will make a much more tasty meal.” “没有人能通过!”水怪大声吼道。 “如果你非要试试,我就一口把你吞了!” “请不要这么做,”Middle说道, “等等我的哥哥,他非常高大, 他的肉一定更美味!” "Well," said the troll. "All right then. Now run away before I change my mind!" So Middle ran across the bridge. “好吧,”水怪说道, “那么好吧,趁着我还没有改变主意,现在快跑吧。” 于是Middle也过了桥。 Then came Big. As he trotted across the bridge, his very big feet made a very big sound. 接下来上桥的是Big, 当他小跑过桥的时候, 他那巨大的脚掌发出了巨大的声响。 TRIP-TRAP. TRIP-TRAP. TRIP-TRAP. "Who is crossing my bridge?" yelled the troll. "It's only me!" said the goat. "I want some fresh grass to eat. Please let me go across." 踢嗒,踢嗒,踢嗒… “谁在过我的桥?”水怪喊道。 “只有我!”山羊说道, “我想吃点新鲜的青草。请让我过去吧。” The troll climbed up the bridge. He saw Big. This goat was very big, just as Middle had said. 水怪爬上了桥,他看见了Big。 正如Middle所说, 这是一只非常高大的山羊。 “If you try to cross my bridge, I will gobble you up!” cried the troll. “I am very hungry, and you will make a very nice lunch.” “如果你非要过我的桥,我就一口吞了你!” 水怪喊道。 “我现在饿极了,你一定会是一顿美味的午餐。” "No, I won't," said Big. "I am bigger than you, and I'm going to throw you into the river." With that, Big put his head down. “不,我不会被吃掉的,”Big说道, “我比你高大多了,而且,我要把你扔到河里去。” 话刚说完,Big就低下头, Then he began to run. He ran right into the troll and pushed him off the bridge. The troll fell into the river. 接着他开始跑了起来, 他直接朝水怪跑去,把他推下了桥。 水怪掉进了河里。 Then, Big crossed the bridge. He joined Middle and Small on the hill. They all felt very smart, and they had a lovely lunch of fresh, green grass. 于是,Big过了桥, 他加入到了Middle和Small之中。 他们都觉得自己很聪明, 而且他们享受了一顿新鲜的, 青翠的青草盛宴。