24. The  Rabbit's  Tale~Leo腾

24. The Rabbit's Tale~Leo腾

2018-06-05    02'28''

主播: Leo腾腾🎤讲故事

149 4

Rabbit was sad. His home was too small. “I need more room,”he said. “Owl is clever. Maybe he can help.” He went to see owl. “My home is too small. What can I do?” Owl thought. “Ask your brothers and sisters to stay,”he said. Rabbit was puzzled, but he did as owl said. All his brothers and sisters came. It was a tight squeeze. Rabbit went back to Owl. “Now there's less room! What can I do?” Owl smiled. “Ask all your friends too.” “Really?”said Rabbit. But he did. All his friends came. Rabbit couldn't move. He ran to Owl. “There's no room for me!” “Tell them it's time to go home.” Everyone went home. Rabbit was happy. “All this space. Thank you Owl!”