40.One, Two, Buckle  My  Shoe~Leo腾

40.One, Two, Buckle My Shoe~Leo腾

2018-07-10    01'35''

主播: Leo腾腾🎤讲故事

162 5

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe. Three four, knock at the door. Five six, pick up sticks. Seven eight, lay them straight. Nine ten, a big fat hen. Eleven, twelve,dig and delve. Thirteen, fourteen,Maids a-courting. Fifteen, sixteen,Maids in the kitchen. Seventeen, eighteen,Maids a-waiting. Nineteen, twenty,my plate's empty. Twenty-one,twenty-two,"Shoo fox,shoo!" Twenty-three,twenty-four,home once more. twenty-five,twenty-six,"Let's get this fixed." Twenty-seven,twenty-eight,fasten the gate. Twenty-nine,thirty,"You're safe now,Gertie."