表达篇 TED演讲 坠机让我学会的3件事

表达篇 TED演讲 坠机让我学会的3件事

2019-01-25    00'55''

主播: 内蒙古布莱恩英语

278 3

TED演讲 坠机让我学会的3件事 Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack. It sounds scary. Two minutes later, 3 things happened at the same time. The pilot lines up the plane with the Hudson River. That's usually not the route. He turns off the engines. Now imagine being in a plane with no sound. And then he says 3 words-the most unemotional 3 words I've ever heard. He says, "Brace for impact." I didn't have to talk to the flight attendant anymore. I could see in her eyes, it was terror. Life was over.