Part 3 – Flipped 《怦然心动》
J:Julie F:Father B:Bryce
J: Then one day he surprised me.
F: What's going on with you and, uh, Bryce Loski?
J: What do you mean? Nothing.
F: Oh, okay. My mistake.
J: Why would you even think that?
F: No reason. Just that you…talk about him all the time.
J: I do?
F: Mm - hm.
J: I don't know. I guess it's something about his eyes. Or maybe his smile.
F: But what about him?
J: What?
F: You have to look at the whole landscape.
J: What does that mean?
F: A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together…and it can be magic.
J: I didn't really understand what he was saying until one afternoon...when I was up in the sycamore tree. I was rescuing a kite. It was a long way up, higher than I'd ever been. And the higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view. I began to notice how wonderful the breeze smelled. Like sunshine and wild grass. I couldn't stop breathing it in…filling my lungs with the sweetest smell I’d ever known.
B: Hey, you found my kite.
J: Bryce, you should come up here.
J: 有一天,他的话让我很意外。
F: 你和布莱斯·洛斯奇怎么回事?
J: 你是指什么?没什么啊。
F: 好吧,看来是我想多了。
J: 您为什么会这么想?
F: 不为什么,只是你总是提到他。
J: 我有吗?
F: 是啊!
J: 我不知道,我猜是因为他的眼睛吧,或者是因为他的微笑。
F: 那他人(怎么样)呢?
J: 什么?
F: 你得观其全貌。
J: 这是什么意思?
F: 一幅画并不是各个部分的简单相加,奶牛单独看就是奶牛,草场就其本身也就只是草和花,而穿过树枝的阳光也不过是一线光束,但当你把它们结合到一起,奇迹就发生了。
J: 我并不十分理解他所说的话,直到那天下午,当我爬上那棵梧桐树,我去够一只挂在树上的风筝,风筝挂的很高,是我从未爬上去过的高度。我爬得越高,就越被眼前的美景所震撼,我开始嗅到微风中的曼妙气息,像是阳光和野草的芬芳。我贪婪地呼吸着,让最清甜的空气充满身体。
B: 嘿,你找到我的风筝了!
J: 布莱斯,你应该到这上面来看看。