Be brave and be loved
In other words, we’re raising our girls to be perfect, and we’re raising our boys to be brave. Some people worry about our federal deficit. But I, I worry about our bravery deficit. Our economy, our society, we’re just losing out. Because we're not raising our girls to be brave.
The bravery deficit is why women are underrepresented in STEM (Science、Technology、Engineering 、Mathematics), in C-suites, in boardrooms, in Congress, and pretty much everywhere you look.
In the 1980s, psychologist Carol Dweck looked at how bright fifth graders handled an assignment that was too difficult for them. She found that bright girls were quick to give up. The higher the IQ (intelligence quotient), the more likely they were to give up. Bright boys, on the other hand, found the difficult material to be a challenge. They found it energizing. They were more likely to redouble their efforts.
What’s going on?
Well, at the fifth grade level, girls routinely outperform boys in every subject, including math and science, so it’s not a question of ability. The difference is in how boys and girls approach a challenge. And it doesn’t just end in fifth grade. An HP report found that men will apply for a job, if they meet only sixty percent of the qualifications. But women? Women will apply only if they meet a hundred percent of the qualifications. A hundred percent.
This study is usually invoked as evidence that, well, women need a little more confidence. But I think it’s evidence that women have been socialized to aspire to perfection, and they’re overly cautious. And even when we’re ambitious, even when we’re leaning in, that socialization of perfection has caused us to take less risks in our careers. And so those 600,000 jobs that are open right now, in computing and tech, women are being left behind. And it means our economy is being left behind on all the innovation and problems women would solve, if they were socialized to be brave, instead of socialized to be perfect.