Incredibles 2
Superheroes including Frozone, Mr Incredible, and Elastigirl… caused further damage to the city. The Underminer remains at large.
A: We didn’t start this fight.
C: Well, you didn’t finish it either!
B: Did you stop the Underminer from inflicting more damage?
A: No.
B: Did you stop him from robbing the banks?
A: No.
B: Did you catch him?
A: No.
C: The banks were insured. We have infrastructure in place to deal with these matters. If you had simply done nothing… everything would now be proceeding in an orderly fashion.
A: You’d have preferred we do nothing?
B: Without a doubt.
A: 先动手的又不是我们?
C: 你们也没有阻止他啊?
B: 你们暗中组织破坏王破坏城市了吗?
A: 没有。
B: 你们成功阻止他们抢银行了吗?
A: 没有。
B: 你们抓住他了吗?
A: 没有。
C: 银行都有保险,那突发情况我们也有相应的基础措施进行应对,要是这次你们没有乱插手,一切都会畅通无阻的解决,不会有麻烦的。
A: 你是想让我们什么都不做吗?
B: 最好袖手旁观。