Conversation B-Hiking Trail
A: I want to go hiking this weekend, but I don’t know where to go.
B: Have you hiked Seven Star Mountain? If you want an intense
workout, take the Miaopu Trail to the top. It’s a strenuous 3-hour hike,
but the view at the top is worth it.
A: That’s likely beyond my fitness level. Can you think of an easier trail?
B: Maybe you can try the Bitou Cape Trail. It’s an easy, three-kilometer
hike and takes about 90 minutes.
A: That might be doable. How are the views?
B: The trail has beautiful views of the sea. On a sunny day, it looks like a postcard.
A: Nice. Is it usually crowded on weekends?
B: If the weather is good, it gets pretty crowded. It would be better to go
early in the morning if you want to beat the crowds.
A: 这个周末想去徒步出游,不知道去哪。
B: 有没有去过七星山?如果你想来剧烈运动,走苗圃路线到山顶。这是个3小时耗精力的路线,但是山顶的风景很值得尝试。
A: 那好像超过我的体能水平。有更轻松的路线吗?
B: 或许你可以尝试鼻头角路线。这是个轻松三公里的徒步,需要大约90分钟。
A: 那或许可以接受。沿途风景如何?
B: 这条路线海景很美。晴朗的天气,就像明信片上风景一样。
A: 太棒了。周末的时候通常人多吗?
B: 天气好的话,肯定很拥挤。如果你想避开拥堵,最好早上早些出发。