高营—Night Market 1-2夜市

高营—Night Market 1-2夜市

2021-07-08    01'55''

主播: 内蒙古布莱恩英语

134 1

Where do you go for fun in the evening? Many people go to the night market to shop and to eat. There are hundreds of food vendors at a night market. Some vendors have stores; others have stands. The food can be sweet, salty, hot or cold. You can find vegetable dishes, meat dishes, drinks and even desserts, too. The food is delicious and not too expensive! One of the most famous dishes that you can find at the night market - and it happens to be one of my favorite dishes - is the oyster omelet. Now an omelet is a dish made from eggs. To make an oyster omelet, the vendor mixes eggs and starch together. Then he adds oysters, vegetables, and of course he must fry the omelet. When the omelet is ready, the vendor serves the omelet with a special sauce. Uh the sauce is a little bit salty, but it gives the omelet an amazing, amazing flavor. Well, I think I’m ready to try this omelet. It looks amazing. I got my chopsticks and I'm ready to take a bite. ***. That’s so good, ***. I love oyster omelet. Hey, do you know what else this restaurant sells? Yes, stinky tofu. I think I want to order one. When some people smell stinky tofu for the first time, they are afraid to try it. They think that it smells really bad. But actually the flavor is very good. Chinese people know that. There are many ways to prepare stinky tofu. Some people fry it. Some people steam it. People also boil it or cook it in chili sauce. Each of these ways of cooking stinky tofu gives the tofu a different taste and feel when you eat it. 【参考译文】 你晚上都去哪里找乐子?许多人到夜市去买东西以及吃东西。夜市里有数以百计的食物摊贩。有些商家有店面,有些只有摊位,而卖的食物则有甜的或咸的,也有热的或冷的。你可以找到素食、荤食、饮料、甚至甜点。夜市的食物很美味,而且又不太贵! 您可以在夜市找到的最著名的菜肴之一—它恰好是我最喜欢的菜肴之一—牡蛎煎蛋卷。现在的煎蛋卷是一种由鸡蛋制成的菜肴。为了制作牡蛎煎蛋卷,供应商将鸡蛋和淀粉混合在一起。然后加入牡蛎,蔬菜,当然必须要有煎蛋卷。煎蛋卷做好后,供应商会为煎蛋卷配上特制的酱汁。呃,酱汁有点咸,但它赋予煎蛋卷了惊人的味道。好吧,我想我已经准备好尝尝这个煎蛋卷了。看起来很神奇。拿好筷子,准备尝一口。嗯。太好了,嗯。我喜欢牡蛎煎蛋卷。 嘿,你知道这家餐厅还卖什么吗?是的,臭豆腐。我想订购一个。有的人第一次闻到臭豆腐,都不敢尝试。他们认为它闻起来很糟糕。但实际上味道非常好。中国人都知道。臭豆腐的做法有很多种。可以炒,可以蒸。人们也会煮或者配合辣椒酱制作。当你吃它的时候会发现每一种烹饪臭豆腐的方法都会给它带来不同的感觉。