

2021-07-08    00'59''

主播: 内蒙古布莱恩英语

345 3

《中国美食之旅》成都篇 This time, we’re in Chengdu, it is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. In the interior of the country, it has always been an isolated place, free from Western influence, and remains the most Chinese of China’s megacities. Nearly 1,000 miles from Beijing, deep in the heartland in Sichuan province, Chengdu is known as one of the culinary capitals of China. The food here is the hottest in China and increasingly famous, all over the world for its distinctive fiery flavours. A real variety. Yes. We’ve come to Chengdu’s, spice market to explore the explosive tastes, that make Sichuan food so unique. This place is like the core, the heart, the mother-ship of spicy Sichuan food. 【参考译文】 这一次,我们来到了成都,成都是世界上发展最快的城市之一。成都位于中国内陆,一直都是个孤立的城市,不受西方影响,最大限度地保持着中国城市特色。它距北京一千英里,位于四川省的心脏地带,被称作中国烹饪之都。这里的食物是全中国最辣的,而且因它独特的火辣味道日渐名扬海外。 真是品种繁多啊。我们来到成都的香料市场,探索使四川美食具有如此独特的火爆滋味,这个地方像是辛辣川菜的核心、心脏、母舰。