【学习小动物】The three little kittens

【学习小动物】The three little kittens

2017-03-12    01'08''

主播: 辣妈潮宝之yo妈yo宝

9956 72

用心记录孩子成长,分享科学育儿知识,传递正能量!公众号:辣妈成长手记(lamashouji123)~ The Three little kittens They lost their mittens and they began to cry "Oh mother dear she hears she hears A mittens we have lost" "What!" Lost your mittens you naughty kittens Then you shall have no pie "Meow meow meow meow we shall have no pie" The Three little kittens They found they mittens And they began to cry "Oh mother dear she hears she hears A mittens we have found" "What! Found your mittens you good little kittens And then you shall have some pie" "Meow meow meow meow we shall have some pie"