【学习数字】Ten in the bed

【学习数字】Ten in the bed

2017-03-13    02'32''

主播: 辣妈潮宝之yo妈yo宝

8212 80

用心记录孩子成长,分享科学育儿知识,传递正能量!公众号:辣妈成长手记(lamashouji123)~  (Start with everybody seated)   Here we go! There were ten in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 10 fingers.)   "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.)   So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the right.)   Nine! (Hold up 10 fingers and then take one away, leaving 9.)   There were nine in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 9 fingers.)   "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.)   So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the left.)   Eight! (Hold up 9 fingers and then take one away, leaving 8.)   There were eight in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 8 fingers.)   "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.)   So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the right.)   Seven! (Hold up 8 fingers and then take one away, leaving 7.)   There were seven in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 7 fingers.)   "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.)   So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the left.)   Six! (Hold up 7 fingers and then take one away, leaving 6.)   There were six in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 6 fingers.)   "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.)   So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the right.)   Five! (Hold up 6 fingers and then take one away, leaving 5.)   There were five in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 5 fingers.)   "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.)   So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the left.)   Four! (Hold up 5 fingers and then take one away, leaving 4.)   There were four in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 4 fingers.)   "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.)   So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the right.)   Three! (Hold up 4 fingers and then take one away, leaving 3.)   There were three in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 3 fingers.)   "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.)   So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the left.)   Two! (Hold up 3 fingers and then take one away, leaving 2.)   There were two in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 2 fingers.)   "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.)   So they both rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the right.)   One! (Hold up 2 fingers and then take one away, leaving 1.)   There was one in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 1 finger.)   "I&`&m lonely...[sigh]" (Droop your shoulders....then everyone hugs!!!)