【学习形状】Make a circle

【学习形状】Make a circle

2017-03-20    01'01''

主播: 辣妈潮宝之yo妈yo宝

8345 76

用心记录孩子成长,分享科学育儿知识,传递正能量!公众号:辣妈成长手记(lamashouji123)~ Make a circle, big big big. (Make the circle bigger.小朋友手拉手围成圆圈,随着音乐的进行可以让圆越来越大) Small small small. (Make the circle smaller.圆越来越小) Big big big. (Make the circle bigger圆越来越大.) Make a circle, small small small. (Make the circle smaller.随着音乐圆越来越小) Hello hello hello. (Everybody waves to each other. 互相打招呼哦) Make a circle, round and round. (Holding hands, walk around in a big circle.手拉手,绕着圆圈走) Round and round. Round and round. (If you like, move the circle in the other direction.如果你喜欢的话,可以让小朋友们换一个方向) Make a circle, round and round. Hello hello hello. (Everybody waves to each other. 互相打招呼) Make a circle, up up up. (While holding hands, everyone reaches up high!围成圆圈后,小朋友可以跳起来哦) Down down down. (Crouch down low.蹲下) Up up up. (Reach high!跳起) Make a circle, down down down. (Crouch low.蹲下) Now sit down. (Everyone sits down.现在请坐下)