【学习天气】How is the weather

【学习天气】How is the weather

2017-03-25    00'51''

主播: 辣妈潮宝之yo妈yo宝

4761 76

记录孩子成长,分享育儿知识,传递正能量!公众号:辣妈成长手记(lamashouji123)~ How is the weather? It&`&s a fine day. How is the weather? It&`&s a cloudy day. How is the weather? It&`&s raining. How is the weather? It&`&s snowing. How is the weather? It&`&s a fine day. How is the weather? It&`&s a cloudy day. How is the weather? It&`&s raining. How is the weather? It&`&s snowing.