106期:旅行·新西兰在路上(3) - On the Road of New Zealand Vol.3

106期:旅行·新西兰在路上(3) - On the Road of New Zealand Vol.3

2014-07-21    57'02''

主播: i大狗熊

26624 597

我产生前往新西兰看看的念头,始于13年前,始于一部让人震撼的电影《魔戒》。在大学时代看了这部电影时,我就暗自对自己说,以后一定要去新西兰这个美丽的地方去看看,在13年后,我才实现了这个愿望。漫长的告别可能会变得平淡,但对少年时愿望的漫长等待,却可能会让最终实现愿望时的你加倍地激动不已,就像是喝一杯酝酿了13年的酒。这期节目,我继续用旅行日记的形式,和你分享我在新西兰北岛旅行的感受。这一次,咱们重点聊聊中土世界最让我着迷的两个地方:维塔工作室和夏尔国。 The first time when a trip to New Zealand came to my mind was 13 years ago, when the Fellowship of the Ring movie came out. I tell myself someday I will have a trip to this country, and the "someday" arrived 13 years later. A long goodbye may fade away, but a long wait for your teenage dream will double your excitement when it come true. The feeling is like drinking a cup of 13-year-old wine. In this episode, I will continue to share my feelings about the trip in the north island of New Zealand. This time, the main story is about Weta Workshop and the Shire. * 旅行关键词 * Wellington * The Weta Cave * The Hobbiton * The Glow Warm Cave