126期:影剧·物理渣科幻狗看《星际穿越》 - Interstellar in my eyes

126期:影剧·物理渣科幻狗看《星际穿越》 - Interstellar in my eyes

2014-11-17    32'03''

主播: i大狗熊

57302 833

在第五期视频播客(10部不能错过的科幻小说)制作的时候,我查阅一些当年作为科幻粉时的资料,准备录制节目,结果却发现,那些经典科幻世界的瑰丽想象,都已经深深地植根在自己的心中。其实它们一直都在,念念不忘,必有回想,对于我成为现在的这个状态,他们也有着自己的影响。 在影院里观看《星际穿越》时,经典科幻小说中的场景也在我的脑中荡起,除了被影片那壮美的想象力和画面所震撼,被影片中深切的亲情打动之外,我也庆幸自己在二十年前,是一个内向的,不善于交流的,只会默默地读着自己用早餐费买的《科幻世界》杂志,偶尔会在晚自习下课时抬起头,仰望着星空,思绪在激荡的小胖子。他那时积累下来吉光片羽的阅读,正是我现在宝贵的思维财富。 在制作这期视频音频双版播客前,我查阅了物理学的统一场论资料,寻找到迪伦·托马斯的音频朗诵诗版本,搜索了博尔赫斯的“无尽的图书馆”意象……是的,就是这么酷炫,这都是为了你啊,二十年前那个喜欢科幻的内向小胖纸! When I was watching the movie Interstellar in the dark cinema, I cried as a teenage girl and shocked as a little baby. I was deeply impressed by the story, visual impact and sci-fi background. I also felt lucky about myself. 20 years ago, I was a young, choppy and shinny boy, who always reading Sci-fi World Magazine and carrying all kinds of imagination in my head. The Sci-fi books I read 20 years ago is the valuable treasure to myself now. Before producing this video podcast, I checked the Unified field theory, audio of Dylan Thomas' poem and Jorge Luis Borges' infinite library. Yes, that's all for you, the choppy shinny boy 20 years ago!