176期:学习·写作马拉松 - Writhon

176期:学习·写作马拉松 - Writhon

2015-11-04    39'19''

主播: i大狗熊

4587 497

在2015年的国庆,我找了一天空闲的时间,参加了一个非常有趣的活动:写作马拉松。我跑过4次真实的全程马拉松,还录制过好几期马拉松现场的播客节目,但这次马拉松是另类的体验:我要挑战的是自己的手指、大脑、思绪与记忆,当然也有一定的体力。它的规则是:在1天内,完成写作 42195 个字。四万字是什么样的概念呢?我们国内常见的一些书籍,大概 200 页不到的篇幅,会有 12 到 15 万字左右。一天写出四万字,相当于一天写作三分之一本书。这样的强度,完全不比真实的马拉松比赛逊色,甚至要更夸张。一天写作四万字,这样的工作量可能完成吗?就算能够达到这样的输入速度,能够写出多少有价值的内容呢?在写作途中,脑子里会想些什么呢?今天这期播客节目,大狗熊和你分享一个非常小众但却非常挑战的另类极限体验:写作马拉松。关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。也请关注「狗熊有话说」的微信公众号,获得更多好玩的内容:bearbigtalk I completed a very unique challenge in my national holiday of 2015: Writhon. I need to write 42195 words in one day, that's the rule. How could you write half a book in one day? Is it possible? What will you get from it? What will you think during the progress? In this episode, I wanna share a story about Writhon with you. If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking. And please follow the Official Wechat Account of Beartalk: bearbigtalk.