239期:GO熊·飞往未知的岛 - Fly us to the island

239期:GO熊·飞往未知的岛 - Fly us to the island

2017-02-20    16'20''

主播: i大狗熊

2200 182

2016年7月,我和老婆两人,加上还在肚子里沉睡的 Molly ,踏上了前往新西兰的旅途。前方等待着我们的会是什么?我们当时并不清楚。当我们在新西兰基本安顿后,我回顾自己这趟踏上未知的途程,回味的声音里,充满着生鲜的故事。在声音的记录片“GO熊”里,你会和我一起,漫步在相同的时空,感受不一样的世界。“GO熊”会不定期更新,如果你收听过有所触动,欢迎与我交流。公众号:BearBigTalk | 微信:ibearbig | 微博:@i大狗熊 | Instagram:beartalking | 邮件:bear@beartalking.com | 网站:www.beartalking.com The moment my family stepped out to a new world was quite ordinary. In fact, a lot of important moments in history were really quiet when they happened. I would like to remember the important moment in my personal history, and share the stories with you. Go Bear, the sound documentary.