251期:月读·文学作者到底想说什么?- How to Read Literature

251期:月读·文学作者到底想说什么?- How to Read Literature

2017-06-21    39'41''

主播: i大狗熊

1466 155

我在阅读文学作品时总是会纠结,小说里这些设定与描写,背后到底是什么意思?比如,盖比茨着迷的绿光到底是什么?与大鱼搏斗的老人桑迪亚哥为什么总是会梦到狮子?哈利波特为什么额头上会有道闪电形状的伤疤?为什么《百年孤独》里的所有男性角色都叫一个名字?所有这些具体的问题都可以归纳为一个问题:作者到底想说什么?今天我们来分享一本会让你爱上文学书的书,本期#狗熊月读#,美国最受欢迎的文学公开课教授托马斯·弗斯特的代表作:《如何阅读一本文学书》(How to Read Literature Like a Professor)。 When I read literature, there are always a bunch of questions: What is the green light in the Great Gatsby? Why Sandiago always dream of lions? Why Harry Potter got a lightnening shape scar on his forhead? All the questions are one question: What is the arthor's point? After this episode, you may know the answer of the question, and maybe you would love literature as I am. Let's talk Thomas Foster's book: How to Read Literature Like a Professor.