281期:我在维塔做动画师 - Chinese Animator in Weta Studio

281期:我在维塔做动画师 - Chinese Animator in Weta Studio

2018-05-21    36'18''

主播: i大狗熊

2098 82

Sevin 是我在新西兰最早认识的朋友,喜欢营养与健身,目前的身份是维塔动画工作室的动画师,据说是维塔首位大陆入职的动画师。在世界顶级的电影特效工作室工作,是什么样的体验?Sevin 在这期播客里,和狗熊分享了他从按摩师到动画师的奋斗之路。是的,你没看错,从按摩师、清洁工到一线电影工作室的动画师。 特别感谢:Cher 拍摄的采访图片。 本期BGM:Sara Lov - All Out of Love (Single) Sevin is an animator of Weta Studio, which is one of the top movie vfx studios of the known universe. And, he probably the first Chinese animator in the company too. So how he did start from a janitor and finally found his career in Weta?